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SRX11504879: Hi-C sequencing of Potato cultivar Otava
3 DNBSEQ (DNBSEQ-G400) runs: 1.5G spots, 439.5G bases, 289.4Gb downloads

Design: Hi-C sequencing for scaffolding of contigs to generate chomosome-scale assembly
Submitted by: Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research
Study: Chromosome-scale, haplotype-resolved genome assembly of a tetraploid potato cultivar
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Potato is the most important tuber crop in the world. However, its highly heterozygous and tetraploid genome is a burden for breeding-based improvement, which is reinforced by the lack of haplotype-resolved genome assemblies. Here, we report the 3.1 Gb haplotype-resolved, chromosome-scale assembly of the tetraploid potato cultivar, Ovata, at a haplotyping accuracy of 99.6%, which was achieved by coupling PacBio long read sequencing (HiFi), 700+ single-gamete nuclei sequencing and Hi-C sequencing.
Sample: Potato cultivar Otava leaf sample
SAMN20326207 • SRS9543548 • All experiments • All runs
Name: V300052863
Instrument: DNBSEQ-G400
Strategy: WGS
Selection: RANDOM
Layout: PAIRED
Runs: 3 runs, 1.5G spots, 439.5G bases, 289.4Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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